Our Projects

Water Testing

Water testing results place Bear Lake in the top 15% of similar sized lakes in Michigan. Water clarity, as measured by Secchi Disk, is excellent. BLWA regularly gathers samples and coordinates water testing in and around Bear Lake.

Learn More.

Stormwater, Asset Management, & Wastewater (SAW)

The Village of Bear Lake has established a long-term partnership with the Bear Lake Watershed Alliance to protect the water quality of Bear Lake

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Rain Gardens

The Bear Lake Rain Garden, located next to the Keddie Norconk Library, was planted in 2016 by a group of BLWA volunteers. The rain garden filters some of the runoff from Virginia Street before it enters the storm drain system. The May Buell Park in Pleasanton Township rain garden was planted by volunteers in 2022 to help filter runoff from the parking area.

Road Signs

Road signs have been installed at 18 key points around the county to inform motorists when they enter the Bear Lake and Bear Creek watershed.